Oscar arias sanchez biography of mahatma gandhi
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Nearly 70 years after Gandhi’s death, how have we advanced toward achieving the goal he laid out?
People who fought for freedom
Because his country's Constitution did not allow him a second term as president, Arias stepped down in April of He accepted a visiting professorship at Harvard University and set out Missing: mahatma gandhi.
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Access-restricted-item true Addeddate Associated-names Satish Kumar, ; Whitefield, Freddie.
Oscar arias sanchez biography of mahatma gandhi in english
Óscar Arias Sánchez (ejtsd: [oszkár áriász száncsesz]; született Óscar Rafael de Jesús Arias Sánchez) (Heredia, Costa Rica, szeptember –) Costa Rica-i politikus, ig ország elnöke, egyben az első (és ezidáig egyetlen) Costa Rica-i Nobel-díjas.