Se hinton biography facts worksheet answers

What was s.e. hinton known for

Hinton wrote The Outsiders under the pen name S.E. Hinton, after publishers expressed concern that a woman‘s name on the book would keep boys, the target audience, from reading it.

se hinton biography facts worksheet answers

What does s.e. hinton do now

On a large sheet of paper, use the information in this biography to help you draw a timeline of Hinton’s life and works.

Why did s.e. hinton use her initials

Build grammar skills using this activity and answer key for an article about author S. E. Hinton.

Is se hinton still alive
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When and where was S.E. Hinton born?, When did she start writing The Outsiders?, What grade did she get in creative .